
October 14, 2025
San Francisco & Salesforce+

Dreamforce is returning to San Francisco and Salesforce+ from October 14-16, 2025. Mark your calendars for an epic celebration of customer success and the most impactful event for your business.

Join the list now to get the lowest price when registration opens. Plus, be the first to know all the big announcements, get first access to the best hotels, and so much more. We hope you join us for #DF25 to learn, connect, have fun, and give back.

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What is true about dynamic dashboards?

If a user is working in Salesforce when the login hours end, what will happen?

A Salesforce Administrator has 7 million records that need to be loaded into Salesforce and wants to do it in one batch. How can the records be uploaded in one batch?

Which of the following can a Case Queue be used for?

Which of the following statements are true about resetting passwords when users get locked out of a Salesforce org that does NOT have single sign-on enabled through an identity service other than Salesforce?

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